Forum Discussion
- MarkShnier__You
Qrew Legend
If the Shipment # is Unique and that is a lookup field from Purchasing down to Shipping Logs, then you can make a new Report Link field and configure the the Field Properties to have the Shipment ID# on the left (from the Purchasing table) and the Shipping ID# from the Shipping Logs table on the right.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
------------------------------- ChrisSwirtzQrew CadetThe Shipping # is a unique number but it originates in the Shipping Log (Child Table) so I need a way to have it show in the related Purchasing Table record (Parent table)
- MarkShnier__You
Qrew Legend
Is there only one child shipping log per Parent Purchasing? Is The Shipping Log# a numeric or text field type?
Mark Shnier (YQC)