Forum Discussion

KimberlyMassa's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Summarize event titles that are text?

I have a parent table of event types that are text and a child table of records that contain the different event types. I would like to have a report that will summarize how many time the event type was used even if it is zero?

2 Replies

  • ChrisChris's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain

    You can create a summary field in the parent that summarized the # of child records for an event.

    Go into the relationship manager between the two tables in question.

    On the parent side, click Add Summary.

    Follow the defaults to the end and then name your summary field.

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    If I understand it correctly your parent table is "event types" and the child is most likely "events".

    You can either create a summary report on the 'events' table and summarize based on event type, or you can create a summary field that summarizes the "# of events" for each 'event type'.