Forum Discussion

chetanpatil's avatar
Qrew Cadet
7 years ago

troubleshoot issue related to data

I have two tables Performance and PO. Performance is connected to PO using one to many relationship. The key field of performance is Date period (ex 072017) and reference field is related overhead expense in PO table.
Now the problem is after 2016 data is not getting populated because there is no data in related overhead expense field (i guess this field should be auto generated). Can anyone tell me what might be the problem here?

4 Replies

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I sounds like the table might have been 'pre-populated' with that date periods.  But might not have had enough data added.  i.e. The records past 2016.  

    Its hard to tell without seeing it, but I'd look at that table's records first.  Or post back with more details that might help us understand more the issue
    • chetanpatil's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      PO tables contains purchase orders and date of the purchase. Performance table is created to track various metrics and do calculations. The data in performance table is grouped by months that is the date period which is prepopulated by month and year (ex 072017
      ). In PO table, I dont know how related overhead expense was/is used to relate two tables. Any idea how is it implemented?

      My guess is there was a table overhead expense which might be deleted or renamed after Dec 2016 and now I am not able to figure out how can i get the data for year 2017 as the relation between two tables is broken.
    • MCFNeil's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Its really hard to tell without seeing the app.  I'd recommend that you work closely with your application administrator.  

      If that is not an option, you can email me and I can see if I can help you through a video call.
    • chetanpatil's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Thank you very much but the data is confidential so I cant share. Can you guide me how to create a table where I can get the data grouped by monthly. (I don't want to create summary report)