Forum Discussion

AlAl's avatar
Qrew Member
8 years ago

update a field when selecting another field

in my table "clients" I have a field (DME, Field ID 174) that is a dropdown box.

When any change is made in that field I want to automatically update a date field (Sent Date, Field ID 202) to the current date and time.

I can't figure out how to do that

3 Replies

  • If updates are exclusively being done on a form and not in Grid edit, then you can use a form Rule.

    When the record is saved

    and [DME] has changed

    Change [Sent Date] to the current date
  • Curious to know if you know the reason why this cannot be done using a formula? Or point me at the text. 
  • A formula can use the field [Date Modified] Bit would not know what field was modified.