Forum Discussion

RusselNdip's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

URl button to show report in a different application

I have two applications that connected and I would like to create a url button in a table in one application that shows a filtered report from another table in a different application based on some criteria entered, I'm not well versed in formula urls, is this possible?

Russel Ndip

3 Replies

  • np,
    make an <ask the user> report in the Other App which asks the question(s) about the filter.
    Run the report and put in any dummy answers to the questions and observe the URL.  Now Lets replicate that URL with a formula.

    This will be a formula URL field.

    "" & URLEncode([field with the answer to the question]

    Obviously replace th 99 with your report # and the URL prefix with your own path.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • RusselNdip's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      When you say create an ask the user report to ask questions about the filter. Do you mean create a report within the table I want to filter the report on or create another table to do this? I guess my problem or question is I'm not sure how generate a report from user input from within one application in the first place.

      Russel Ndip
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Qrew Champion
        Re:  Do you mean create a report within the table I want to filter the report on

        Yes, then follow my instructions. 

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach