Forum Discussion

JohnNiumata's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

What is your normal support response time?

Currently I'm waiting days for each response to a support case. (including responses within the same support case)

is this normal for the rest of you?


5 Replies

  • KimG's avatar
    Qrew Cadet
    That happened to me once, when one person was assigned the case, but then was out of the office and another person took over, and then the first came back, but neither were terribly responsive.  I don't have any current cases, nor have I had very many, but generally my case response time has been much better.  I have had almost immediate response to a few hours or the next business day.  If it's more than a few days I would definitely be putting in another reply to the case inquiring about the status and if they were awaiting more info from your side.

    Kim Gardner
    • JohnNiumata's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      thanks for responding.

      Unfortunately I'm not as lucky, my support rep gets back to me every day or 2 right now.  I don't know if I can continue with this platform due to the support, luckily my issues have not been show stoppers, but what happens if they are showstoppers?

      • MichaelTamoush's avatar
        Qrew Captain
        They have typically been amazing for me. Usually within 12 hours for the first response. Can vary a bit after that but like mentioned above, unless they have days off I've been quite impressed. Drop them a message if it has been a couple days. They usually will respond.

        Mike Tamoush