Forum Discussion

PaulPeterson1's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
3 years ago

Who to contact to escalate a Support Case?

I have a support case regarding a pipeline issue that was opened on March 24th and is still unresolved.  The person assigned to this case was not able to resolve the previous issue assigned to her and I have no confidence she will handle this one any better.  This person does not respond to requests for updates and does not follow through on commitments she makes.

@Evan Martinez, Who can I contact to get this issue escalated and resolved?  As a follow up, how can I prevent future support cases from being assigned to this person?​

Paul Peterson

3 Replies

  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    I always ask in the ticket itself to have it escalated once it seems like they are just spinning their wheels. Escalating it will have mixed success but sometimes it works.

    I have had some of the same experiences you seem to be having. There have been issues where I took a good bit of my time to explain it and exactly how to recreate it, which I tested, only to be told it is a mysterious problem that they cannot fix. Or I have been asked to create the testing environment several times only for them to not use it for weeks and weeks when it is a time sensitive thing to test, and then ask me to make it again. Things like that.
  • Hi Paul,

    I'll reach out to you in a message so we can chat more.

    Evan Martinez
    • PaulPeterson1's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      Thank you Evan, reply sent

      Paul Peterson