Well designed Example Forms
I would like to see some other users that have well designed forms. We have a number of what we think are good forms but would like to see some forms that are being used by other companies. The application does not matter but we use QuickBase to manage our real estate, Properties/Buildings/Leases/Projects. Rob ------------------------------ Rob Peterson ------------------------------5Views0likes0CommentsHiring FT Remote Quickbase Developer
Hi folks. I'm posting this in all the user groups to make sure as many people see it as may be interested. We're hiring a full-time remote Quickbase Developer. More details can be found at Indeed. If you can pass this along to anyone else you know, it would be appreciated. ------------------------------ Phillip Dennis ------------------------------3Views0likes0CommentsRunning an Excel/CSV through Salesforce
Hi all, I'm a sales manager here in Chicago and brand new to QuickBase. I'm also pretty new to my current company and our Salesforce data is atrocious. Before I can even begin to fix some of the back-end processes, I need to find a way to upload all of the disparate lead repositories that my teams are working from (word docs, excel files, google sheets, etc.) Is there an Exchange app or process you could recommend that would allow me to upload an excel or csv file and recieve a report of which of those accounts are in Salesforce already (based on account name, address, phone number, homepage url, etc.) and the current account owner? Separately, if there's an existing Exchange app that would allow me to upload new accounts and contacts into Salesforce from an Excel or CSV file and assign account owners automatically, that would be incredible as well. Thanks, ------------------------------ Matt Chinnis ------------------------------7Views0likes0CommentsTanner Pruitt Introductuion
Hello, my name is Tanner Pruitt. I recently started as a Project Manager at Noash Construction, a Communications Tower Construction, Maintenance, and Service company in Sebree, KY. I am also a recent grad from the University of Southern Indiana. I am wanting to connect with other Quickbase users in order to bounce ideas off of one another and continue to optimize our systems and integrate as many spreadsheets and processes as we can. I am quite new to Quickbase, but have been able to begin the set up for a project management app that is helping us keep track of a project from the time a quote comes in to the closing/invoicing/payment processes all under the same coding, while also having one spot for all of our related documents. I would love to begin communicating and building relationships with other professionals. Connect with me via LinkedIn, I hope to connect with you all soon. ------------------------------ Tanner Pruitt ------------------------------13Views0likes0CommentsConditional report emailing?
Hi there - greetings from the Merchandise Mart in River North! The main app we have here at Allstate is a weekly timesheet app where everyone enters their working hours at the end of the week - it's just a single field that holds the numeric value of how many total hours for that week. It's a very simple app by design. The unfortunate part is that not everyone gets their timesheet in on time... so when Monday comes around what I'd like to do is to mail a report to only people with "hours" <40... is that even possible? I can see a lot of material on conditional statements and usage, but nothing looks to pertain to reports/emailing/etc... Thanks for any help or even just pointing in the right direction. Cheers! ------------------------------ Dustin Hamilton Product Design Manager | Allstate ------------------------------8Views0likes1CommentChicago Community Summit Q&A!
In two weeks the Quick Base team will be spending the day in Chicago! We couldn't be more excited! If you live in the area or happen to be in Chicago on 9/25, I hope you'll join us! Our community summits offer a day to collaborate with other builders from around the city with hands-on training and networking opportunities! We have a packed agenda, but want to hear from you! What are you most excited about on the agenda? What do you want to learn? What specific questions, technical or not, do you have? What would make the day a success in your eyes? ------------------------------ Beth Hyland ------------------------------13Views1like2CommentsUsability Workshop - Follow Up Questions and Feedback from the Chicago Summit
It was great to meet all the passionate problem-solvers who came to my Usability Workshop at the 2019 Chicago Summit! I know there was a lot of ground we covered, so if you have any follow-up questions on the workshop or just general feedback on the event, please let me know by replying here in this thread. Thanks, Brian ------------------------------ Brian Cafferelli ------------------------------5Views0likes0CommentsChicago Summit Ice Break-Introduce Yourself!
With the Chicago Summit right around the corner it is a great time to start introducing ourselves and getting excited for the summit. So we are going to jump right in and break the ice and I'll get us started by introducing myself. I am Evan the community manager here at Quick Base. I got started working at Quick Base in 2016 as a member of our Care team and then transitioned into working on our Quick Base Community. This has given me the opportunity to interact with a huge range of Quick Base problem-solvers both here in the community and at places like Empower and our community summits. Not everyone likes having to write up an open ended bio so we do have a few suggestions if you aren't sure what to say: 1. Do you have a favorite place in Chicago to visit that we absolutely shouldn't miss out on? 2. If you could snap your fingers and suddenly have any skill mastered what would it be? 3. Do you have a Quick Base feature you feel you have mastered or one you are really curious to learn? 1.I have only been to Chicago once and it was years ago, but I do remember the Art Institute of Chicago had a great collection (I'm a bit of an art buff) 2. If I could snap my fingers right now and suddenly have a skill mastered I would have to go with carpentry. I have always been jealous watching people who just know how to build things from scratch like that. 3. I am really interested to build out my skills more when it comes to APIs and integrations. Especially as we add Cloudpipes to our Quick Base offerings. See you in Chicago! ------------------------------ Evan Martinez Community Marketing Manager Quick Base ------------------------------31Views0likes6CommentsHoping to learn more
Right now our company is moving from Sales Force to Quick Base for handling our quotes and opportunity management. I am able to offer our sales team with competitive performance and big improvements in several areas, but there are some concessions we have to make and I would like to learn how to minimize those as much as possible. ------------------------------ David Pontier ------------------------------13Views1like2Comments