Looking for simplest example to access quickbase using python
Can someone point me to examples that show how a quickbase/db can be accessed from the command line/using python -? We would like to access, add, delete, change records and create reports - and in addition to the GUI provided, do such using CLI tools and python (saw pybase on github, am having some difficulty with it - unless someone can provide a complete example -?)494Views2likes22CommentsCustom Save and Close button
Hello everyone, This is probably a super simple solution but for the life of me I have not been able to get it to work. I am trying to create a custom button that simply saves the record on a form that has both the parent and the child records in edit mode. Example: A parent record form has an embedded grid of related child records. When the parent record is in edit mode, the grid of child records is editable, so that the user can add or modify the related child records. At this point, the parent record has already been saved, so the record ID of the parent already exists. All I want my button to do is to save any changes made to both/either the parent or the child records. I want this button to work exactly like Quickbase's native "save & close" button. Thanks in advance for your help! ------------------------------ Juan Solorio ------------------------------374Views0likes5CommentsIs it possible to create a ""Save and Keep Working"" button from a formula URL field?
I realize the "Save and Keep Working" button was introduced by Quickbase, but I am wanting to add it somewhere in the middle of my form. I've seen posts relating to this kind of thing, but all of theme were published prior to the introduction of the "Save and Keep Working Button" and I can't seem to get any of them to work. Any thoughts?357Views7likes39CommentsURL formula to edit a record and ""refresh the page
I regularly use little API URL formula buttons like this one. var text $CopyStatustoPreviousStatus = blah blah blah ......; $CopyStatustoPreviousStatus & "&rdr=" & URLEncode($ReDisplayReport) That works well when I have a button dedicated to either refreshing the record I am sitting on or refreshing a particular report. I also use this great technique a lot to not refresh the report (so the user does not lose their place in the report or does not lose their Dynamic filter selections. var text URL= blah blah blah ....; "javascript:" & "$.get('" & $URL & "',function(){" & "$.jGrowl('email Triggered to Prospect', {life: 5000});" & "});" & "void(0);" But I would love to know how to make a button which will do some blah blah blah stuff and then refresh the screen - that way I could have the same button be used on any report and any record. Ideally it would reload the screen and preserve the user's Dynamic filter selections if they were on a report. If there a way to modify the code above to incorprate this concept &"javascript:location.reload(true);" and not do the growl pop up. ie I'm looking for a button to be able to execute a URL formula which would say edit a record and then refresh whatever screen the user is on. In that situation with a refresh, typically the user's feedback that the button click "took" will be that the report refreshed or the record refreshed, so we don't need or want that jgrowl pop up.320Views0likes19CommentsSave button with a redirect
I haven't found a thread yet with a solution that is working with me so, I am trying to to make a button that saves and redirects. Currently I am trying <div class='Vibrant Success' onclick='RedirectURL.value=myurlhere;editform.rl.value="";DoSave();'>Save</div> I got my current setup from this thread https://community.quickbase.com/quickbase/topics/how-can-i-save-and-redirect-to-a-home-page This thread is the closest thing to what I am looking for. I would like to be able to save a form and then be redirected to a different table and its default report. Is there an easier solution?319Views1like33CommentsLookup and fill field values based on the content of another table
I have two tables: Table A holds records for daily delivery routes, two of its fields are the [Driver Name] and [Van ID]. Table B holds records of every stop completed on all daily routes, it also has the fields [Driver Name] and [Van ID]. The stop records in Table B are imported via an API call to a platform which records GPS tracking data for each van. The [Van ID] is obtained with the call, but the [Driver Name] cannot be. What I want to do is for every record in Table B, where the [Van ID] = "123", for example, I want to lookup in Table A which delivery route had [Van ID] = "123" and find the associated driver name, and show it in the Table B record(s). Has anyone had any experience with a problem like this? Thanks299Views2likes10CommentsQuickbase Code page to query a table and display records
I have created a code page which should query a table and display certain records using API -GenResults table. I am going to embed this code page in forms. Based on value in each record(in field - test temp inventory query) the contents in the table changes. Below is the code page code <html> <head> <script src= ~test temp inventory query~ lang="text/javascript"> </script> <style> td.m { font-family:verdana; font-size:70%; } td.hd { font-family:verdana; font-size:70%; font-weight:bold; color:white;} </style> </head> <body> <h1>Example</h1> <table cellpadding=5 bgcolor=lightgreen> <tr> <td> <script lang="text/javascript"> qdbWrite(); </script> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </head> </html> The third line, value of src determines the query. ~test temp inventory query~ is the field where query is created as a formula text . The value in formula text looks something like this https://Domain.quickbase.com/db/iddbdbdbid?a=API_GenResultsTable&apptoken=tokn123 t=1&query={'29'.CT.'TYCU700'}OR{'29'.CT.'TYRD60'}OR{'29'.CT.'TYTG8580'}&clist= But the contents are not getting pulled correctly. Which is best way to pass value in field to the QuickBase code page and display the link to code page as embedded in the same form. ?281Views0likes5CommentsClose a pop up form after a button is clicked on the form
I have a button that sits on a report that is on a user page that creates pop up to a special form that also has a button that that acts on a checkbox and then refreshes the page. Here is my formula that sits on the pop up form: var text Update = URLRoot() &"db/" & Dbid() & "?act=API_EditRecord"& "&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "&_fid_1046=1"; var text RefreshPage = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=doredirect&z=" & Rurl(); If([Ready for Dispositions]=false,$Update & "&rdr=" & URLEncode($RefreshPage)) What do I need to add to my formula to close the pop up after the button is clicked? ------------------------------ George Bramhall ------------------------------279Views0likes16Commentsjavascript prompt with a dropdown menu
Below is my code page: What I want to do is, have the prompt show a dropdown of values they can select from, instead of having the user enter any text. Thanks (function(){ var dbid = "bnt8grwvt"; var dbidTable = dbid; var apptoken = "mytoken"; $.ajaxSetup({data: {apptoken: apptoken}}); var description= prompt("Enter a brief description of the work done in this session: ", ""); if (description == null || description == "") { alert("You did not enter a description I will cancel this Time Out."); Return; } var promise = $.get(dbidTable, { act: "API_EditRecord", rid: QBU_rid, _fid_7: "Active", // _fid_6: "Out" }).then(function(xml) { console.dirxml(xml); $.get() & location.reload(true); }); })();255Views1like3CommentsSuggestion to work around when ""Report too large. Maximum number of bytes in report exceeded"" error?
I want to queried all data from a table/report to save it into a local database. I've tried to export it into CSV format, however, got the problem as attached image. Please suggest ways to overcome it with: no filter applied one extracted data file only (like a svn dump file) I've read QB HTTP API and wonder if it can help to over come the "too large" issue?253Views0likes9Comments