Forum Discussion

BrianCafferelli's avatar
Qrew Captain
7 years ago

Why are my users not receiving Quickbase email notifications as expected?

Why are my users not receiving Quickbase email notifications as expected?

Users sometimes report that Quickbase email recipients do not receive email as expected.
There are a number of possible explanations for this situation and users can do a few things to help determine the cause.

NOTE: This article refers to Quickbase emails sent as email notifications. If you are instead using Pipelines to send notifications, such as emails via the Outlook channel, text messages via the Twillio channel, or instant messages via our Slack or Microsoft Teams channels, you can visit our Pipelines Help site for information on troubleshooting delivery for those messages.

Some possible reasons for email not arriving could be:

* There is a problem with the recipients email address, client, or server.
* There is a problem with the setup of a specific Quickbase automated email.
* The user expects to receive email, but the settings of his/her application prohibit it.
* The email is being trapped, quarantined, or otherwise blocked from your user(s).

Suggested Troubleshooting Questions to Ask:

Who is affected?
- Just you?
- Users in a group?
- All users in this application?
- Users outside your company?
- Users in your company?

What did you/someone do that should have triggered the email?
- Who did it?
- What did they do?
- When did they do it?

What changed in the application or environment?
- Were there any changes to the notification rules?
- Were there any changes to Roles and users' access to records or tables?
- Are there any non-alpha-numeric characters in the role name?
- Were there any changes to users' email addresses?
- Were there any changes to the IT infrastructure / email systems at your company?
- Were there any updates to spam filtering or security software?

Suggested Troubleshooting Activities:

* Setup an alternate email address outside of your corporate environment to test email with. There are many free email services available today, such as Gmail and Protonmail. Try sending a record to this address and the original recipient or adding this address to an automated notification alongside the original recipient. Trigger the email and verify that the exterior account received the message but the other user did not. This should confirm that Quickbase is sending the emails but they are being blocked or re-routed by the recipients email system. If the external account receives the email but another user does not, chances are the email is being re-routed to a junk mail or spam folder in their email client. Have the user check these folders and inquire with their internal IT department about spam filtering. A good idea is to ask their IT dept to provide safe passage for any email coming from anything A list of IP addresses of our mail servers can be made available to their IT department to help ensure safe passage of our emails through their corporate security network.

* If the expected email should contain data items, please check to make sure that the recipient is in a role that is allowed to view this data according to the security settings in their Role. To learn more, please see our About Roles help topic.

* If you suspect the emails are being received by your mail server but are being blocked, then your mail server administrators may need need to adjust some settings in order to permit emails from Quickbase to be received. Please see this Knowledge Base article for more details about the IP addresses used by the Quickbase email servers.

If neither of these lines of troubleshooting provide any answers, please update your support case with the answers to as many of the troubleshooting questions above so that we can help isolate the problem.
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