Forum Discussion

JoeAcunzo__Soft's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Quick Base API Accessed from Google Apps Script

Before I go reinventing the wheel, has anyone created an "SDK" or library to access the Quick Base API from Google Apps Script?  Or does anyone have any tips on doing so?

I took the Quick Base JavaScript "SDK" as a starting point, but it assumes it's running client-side, so lots of issues.  BTW, there's no way to use jQuery in a Google Apps Script when it's only a server-side solution, already looked in to that approach.

Why do I want to use Google Apps Script you ask?  I'm looking at methods of integrating another system with Quick Base that POSTs to a URL I can specify to pass along data periodically.  (Not that it matters, but the data comes as JSON from this other system.)  Using Google Apps Script is to avoid the use of a PHP script running on a server.

2 Replies

  • CarlosCarlos's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Hi Joe,
    I've successfully used GoogleScripts to automate a bunch of tasks, but mainly repeating what had already been described by Kirk in this video.

    You can use variables in GScript as parameters for what you need and with that build the url to execure the API. Also, use a usertoken instead of apptoken (with the necessary precautions of keeping the script away from mischievous hands. 

    I'm currently in the process of understanding how to run an API_DoQuery and loop the <records>. It would greatly simplify sending reminders to customers. No luck on this yet though.
  • Thanks Carlos for your reply.  I figured it all out using various GAS objects and methods, such as UrlFetchApp.fetch().  Contact me directly if you need some help at joe.acunzo @