Forum Discussion

ArchiveUser's avatar
Qrew Captain
8 years ago

Create a button that will search through child records to click button in child table that creates another child record.

I have three tables, "Bins" which is the parent table of "Job Items" which is the parent table of "Pick Tickets", so Bins > Job Items > Pick Tickets. Pick Tickets are created when a Job Item is taken from or returned to a bin. It is a bit too slow right now for our agent to have to click on the "Create Pick Ticket" button for each item that is taken or received, so I want them to be able to go to the "Bin" table, grid edit the Report Link for "Job Items" on the form, enter how many items were taken or returned(which will be two different fields within the "Job Items" table), save it, and then click a button on the Bin form that would search through the Job Item records for that bin, find the ones that have a number in the taken or return fields, and trigger a button that I have created in the "Job Items" table that creates a "Pick Ticket" that has information copied from the taken and returned fields. 

An added bonus would be if the button would also automatically delete all the information that may be filled in the taken or returned fields, but our agent can do that manually if they need to. 

Is any of this possible? Thank you in advance.

1 Reply

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    To answer your question.
    Yes, This is all possible, but not easily with native QuickBase.  This is a heavier questions than can be answered or done via the community.

    You should contact a developing company to assist you in implementing this.