Forum Discussion

JonFroderberg's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

Create Child Record With Button From Embedded Table Report Link

I have a table of Weekly Work Plans where each Plan can have many Planned Activities.  Also shown on the form is an embedded report of Primavera P6 Schedule IDs filtered for tasks that are due to start in the next three calendar weeks.
Currently users must take note of the Sched. ID they need, click the [ + Planned Act. ] button to add a Planned Activity, then find the Sched. ID in a dropdown list and save the record.  That's a lot of extra steps.

I want the user to be able to review the list of Schedule IDs and click a button on the one they want to create a Planned Activity for, and subsequently have the record generate and the Sched. ID to be populated on it.

The challenge is this, the button would be located on the Sched. ID record in the embedded report, and would not know record ID of the Weekly Plan needed for the API_GenAddRecordForm function.  The Record ID is available in the URL of the form, but I don't know how to grab it for the button without using JS.

Jon Froderberg
PRIME Developer
Harder Mechanical Contractors
Portland, OR
  • I think you are correct that there would be no way to grab the Weekly Plan record ID to embed in the button, as the button exists only in the context of schedule IDs.
    You can however use a code page. In this case the button would direct to the code page with the parameter for the schedule ID as that is possible, then you can use JS to extract the weekly Plan ID from the referring URL, of course assuming that the button was clicked from within the weekly plan record page.
    You can then have the code page either redirect to the New Planned Activities form with both values prefilled or actually have the code page create the record and then redirect to the new activity in either read or edit mode.

    I've done something similar using combined buttons and code pages so if you think this would work for you let me know and i'll try to post a sample

    Simon H
    • JonFroderberg's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Hi Simon-
      I'm quite interested in seeing an example!  I'll share it with my team and hopefully we can arrive at something that will save our field personnel some clicks.

      Jon Froderberg
      PRIME Developer
      Harder Mechanical Contractors
      Portland, OR
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        I am not sure exactly follow your question but if your situation is that you are sitting on a record and on that record are two embedded reports which are not related to the record you are sitting on, and you want something to happen when a button is clicked that requires knowledge of the record the user is sitting on then then I do have a solution which involves one click on the record you are sitting on.

        That click would record the record ID of the record that you were sitting on in a user focus table and that information would be available to any other tables in the app.  The concept could work for you it might save you from having to use code pages which are arguably more technical to maintain in the future.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)