Forum Discussion

MikeTamoush's avatar
Qrew Commander
3 years ago

Eyeball and Pencil png

Do the edit and view eyeball and pencil png exist somewhere? I want my user to be able to view and edit a record, but I want the record to open to a specific form. My users are very used to clicking on the eyeball and pencil so I thought I could probably get close to creating it by creating buttons with those images. Not sure how it will look or work, but thought I would give it a try!

Unless anyone else has good ideas on how to be sure my user lands on the correct form when viewing a record.

Mike Tamoush
  • In the 'Forms' menu you can control which forms a user sees when in view, edit or add mode based on user role:

    Jeff Peterson
  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    A rich text field can be used to do exactly what you are asking for here. Display it as the first column of the report and disable the editing and viewing records option in the report to prevent the native edit/view. I have done this in a table in the past I assume for similar reasons you are looking at doing it.

    I cannot post the whole formula here but you need a variable for your editURL, viewURL and the style you want associated with it. The style is the main bit that will make it appear as you want it to. Then just show the icons in the rich text field and make them a link. I just do it by controlling the dfid of the URL and adjusting it based on the record, sounds like that would work for you too.

    • MikeTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Commander

      I agree, I think that's exactly what I can do. The only thing I don't like, and I doubt there is a good solution, is that my users are very used to simply clicking the edit button to edit the record. I'll have to somehow make an edit button really big on the alternate form, to try to persuade them to use it.

      Too bad we can't either remove the native edit button in this case, or better yet would be AWESOME if the native edit button landed them on whichever form they are on when they press it.

      Mike Tamoush
      • JeremyMyer's avatar
        Qrew Trainee
        Mike, in a lot of my forms where I have this situation, I use the &ifv=1 trick to get rid of the native edit & save buttons....but I LOVE the idea of the edit button taking to you to edit version of the form they're on.  Fingers crossed that maybe that comes in the forms overhaul I hear is on the horizon

        Jeremy Myer