Forum Discussion

8 Replies

  • That feature came a couple of years ago. But it will not work for numeric fields. 

    But if you know that the different numeric values will be limited, then you can make a formula text field to be the text equivalent of the number and then it will be eligible as a DF.
  • Can you filter columns in Grid Edit?  Any assistance would be  appreciated


  • You can filer the report and then go into Grid Edit mode,  but you cannot filter while in Grid Edit mode.
  • I'm having an issue where I'm trying to use a formula text field, which the logic is based on a checkbox being checked or not... and for some reason the formula field isn't able to be added to the dynamic fields.

    Any idea why this would be the case?
  • np, just edit the field properties and make it "Searchable"

    "Include this field when searching/filtering this table