New Dashboard Bug, any work arounds?
I haven't heard back from customer service, but from my testing I am confident that there is the following bug with new dashboards.
When using a chart that includes a summary formula as one of the values you display (Gross Margin % for example), the new dashboards will NOT display this chart.
I can't think of any workaround, besides going old school and making summary tables (which I want to avoid of course at this point). Not sure if anyone else has run into this, but if you have, please create a ticket so that perhaps it gets on their radar.
Also, another interesting bug is if you make a chart using summary formulas, you cannot change the color of the bar/line/pie slice. For example, if I make a line chart with Gross Margin % as the line, and that value is derived from summary formulas, that line will only be available in the default blue color. If you change the color it always reverts back to the default color.
If someone has a work around or can confirm these bugs, please let me know!
Mike Tamoush