Forum Discussion

Re: Concurrent Data Entry in Forms

How do I set up that limit?

Perhaps I was not clear. We have two tables. One table is called Event Dates. The other is Event Registration Request table (the latter is a child of the former). Each event date has a total number of slots that can be requested (one event per day, with a limited number of slots available. Slots may be added if money is available) . One user can request more than 1 slot on a certain date provided that the slots are still available. We created a formula field that calculates slots still available for each day. We have a rule set to abort the save and display a message indicating that the "Number of requested slots is greater than the number of slots available for this date". The form works fine if I go in the form and try to request 2 slots when only 1 is available. But if I and a colleague go in at the same time and request 1 slot each, the form can't stop us.
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