Forum Discussion

GeneHayes's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

children not showing on parent form

I am VERY new to this, so I probably did something wrong...

I have a Parent table of "Vendors" that can have many Child records for "Product Types".  When I click on the Vendor (Parent) it takes me to a form and SHOULD show me a list of the product types.  It does not.  But it used to.

I can see the Product Types in list of product types associated with the proper Vendor.  I can also click on the "# of Product Types" that show on the Vendor record and that works fine.

Why would the list of Product Types be blank on the Vendor form?

Side note:  I may have broken something while trying to set up a "Conditional Drop Down" between Product Type and Product Sub Type, but I have no idea what that might have been...

Ideas anyone?  Thank in advance for any help!

5 Replies

  • Hi Gene,

    This happens at times when the report that your Product Types report link is using has a filter placed on it by accident. That filter might be applied when a user is directly viewing the report that is being used to dictate what fields show up in the report link. You can check this by right clicking inside that report link window in the gray and selecting edit the properties of this form element. This will bring you to the form builder view of your form and specifically will zero in on your report link field for Product Types. From there you can find a box on the right that has a dropdown for the report you are basing this report link on and an option to change settings on that report. If you open up that option you can see the report and check the filters section to see if any filters have been applied. This should allow you to confirm whether or not there are any filters on the form blocking your view and if so remove them to restore your normal report. I hope this information is helpful Gene.

  • Thank you for your help!

    I did look at the report settings as you suggested and didn't fine anything.  I also played with the filter settings and nothing changed, regardless of the settings.  This includes changing "Embedded Vendors" to "List All".  No changes...

    Here is what the settings currently look like:

    Let me know if you have any more suggestions.

    Thanks again!!
  • Hi Gene,

    The next thing I would suggest is to move from the form properties into the field properties. You can find those by right clicking on the report link again and selecting edit the form properties. From there you should see what field in your current table is matching what field in your related table. I would just make sure the field there and the field you are using as the reference field for your relationship are the same. 

    You can do this by opening up your relationships in your table setting and making sure the Reference field there matches the field being used in your Report link field. Sometimes a report link can be using a different field from the relationship and that can also cause summary fields to not match the report link since they might be looking at a different field for their match. 
  • You ROCK!!  That's where the error was.  I must have changed something when trying to figure out Conditional Drop Downs (Though I have no idea how).

    Now back to Conditional Drop Downs, which may be a topic for another post.  :D

    Thanks again!