Forum Discussion

MarkW's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Current status and current user

I have relationships setup between projects and tasks. I'm trying to pull a report so it shows the project's current status based on who currently owns a task (who the active task owner is). For example - show me a list of my projects with the current task status and current owner.

5 Replies

  • Hmmm, so say 1 Project has 10 tasks.  What is your definition of the "Active Task
  • MarkW's avatar
    Qrew Trainee
    Say tasks 1-5 are Complete and the 6th task is any status but Complete. The active task is the 6th task.
  • What is the definition of Tasks 1-5.  Are these the tasks with the lowest Record ID#?
  • MarkW's avatar
    Qrew Trainee
    Yes, lowest record ID. First could be Prep Package, second Field Engineer, third Drafting, etc. There is a flow from top to bottom, top being the lowest Record ID.
  • OK, so we can do with with a reverse relationship.  You want to lookup data from a child record to a parent record, so we need to figure out who the lucky Task child is which is Active and and then make him a Parent.

    First we figure out who the lucky child is.

    On the relationship where 1 Project has Many Tasks, make a summary minimum of the [Record ID#] where the  the filter is that the Task is Active.  Call it [Record ID# of Active Task]

    The Project now knows the [Record ID#] of the Task that has the info we need.

    Make a Relationship where 1 Task has many Projects.  Yes that sounds backwards, so that is why it is called a reverse relationship.  On the right side, do not let it create a new field, use the field we just made called [Record ID# of Active Task].

    Then just lookup any fields you need from the Active Task to the Project, such as Task Owner and Task Status