Forum Discussion

AlexGale's avatar
Qrew Captain
6 years ago

GenAddRecordForm API call with rich text

I am attempting to use a GenAddRecordForm API call. I would like to pre-fill a rich text field on the add form, from a rich text field in the source table. However, the call appears not to work. Should this be happening? Is there a way around it? 


5 Replies

    • AlexGale's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      URLRoot() & "db/" & "bjfvif6ea?a=API_GenAddRecordForm" & 
      "&_fid_6=" & [Task Name] & 
      "&_fid_7=" & ToText([Assigned To]) & 
      "&_fid_10=" & [Description] //[Description] and the target field are both rich text fields

      It really is a fairly typical GenAddRecordForm call, aside from the rich text fields. 
    • KevinSlider's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Try a URLEncode() around the description.
      Let me know if that helps.