Forum Discussion

JoeAcunzo__Soft's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Problem Framing Quick Base AppToken Page

For years, I've embedded the Quick Base AppToken page in a frame to provide instructions around it on how to add an AppToken.  This is to make it easier to use one of my add-ons that requires an apptoken.  I even took it as far as using JavaScript to add the apptoken for the user by driving the page, thus automating the process completely.

However, recently some customers have experienced a problem where the browser refuses to show the Quick Base page in the frame (i.e. "This content cannot be displayed in a frame").  I cannot reproduce the problem using IE, Firefox or Chrome.

Does Quick Base set the X-Frame-Options to DENY in certain situations?  What else could cause this problem?

24 Replies

  • I do know that there is an option at the account level to prohibit redirects to external websites.

    This was driving me crazy for hours until eventually Kirk Trachy saved me.

    I�m not sure if this is related to your problem but there definitely is an account level switch for that if that helps. You need to contact support to have that Realm opened up to external redirects If that is the problem.
  • Thanks Mark, you're close, but it's not the redirect setting.  I found out from support that it is a setting that explicitly prevents putting any Quick Base page into a frame.  Only available from what I can see in an Enterprise account, in the Security policies section of the page, you can enable an option named "Prevent embedding in iframes".  More details on this setting in the Quick Base help page found here:
  • hhersch's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    Hey Joe/Mark - yea this is correct. The ability to put a webpage into another webpage is often considered a security risk. To meet our highest standards of security, we need this to be an option that enterprise customers can opt into when understanding the risks.
  • MichelleChapman's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    I have been trying to figure out how to do this and it would not work for me. Now I know why. It would be super helpful if there could be a main dashboard, maybe on the My Apps page, to display relevant reports from many apps that can be designed as default or per user.
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Are you talking about being able to have a dashboard with reports from other Quick Base apps or other websites?
    • MichelleChapman's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      Other QuickBase Apps. I have tried the url buttons, I've tried the website widget...cannot get it to display. 
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Why can�t you do a web widget? What�s the symptom of the problem?