Forum Discussion

Re: Text fields behavior with quotes and other symbols

right, you I realize that you would never be able to train the users, but if they hold down the " they get all the different flavors of quotes.  

We can probably make a formula or an Automaton to substitute the correct quotes for the bad quotes.  maybe contact me off line.

Mark Shnier (YQC)
Quick Base Solution Provider
Your Quick Base Coach

1 Reply

  • MikeGerrity1's avatar
    Qrew Member

    Does anyone have a formula for stripping out "curly quotes" from text.  

    A basic searchandreplace does not work because quickbase can't search for curly quotes - but perhaps there is a way to search for the ASCI Character.

    This has become an issue for me within Pipelines which fail when transfering text that includes curly quotes or other disallowed characters.  I have tried using the jinja "escape" feature ie {{a.content_clean|escape}} but that has not made a difference...

    Thanks for any suggestions

    Mike Gerrity