Forum Discussion

PatrickDunn's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
5 years ago

Magic Button - add record but remain in form in edit mode

Hello. I have a form in which I've placed a magic button. While editing the form (i.e. in edit mode), I want a user to be able to click that button (which creates a record in a separate, non-child table) without navigating away from the form or saving the form or refreshing the form, i.e. basically I want the action to execute without doing anything to the form.

Note: I'm aware of the table setting to have the parent record automatically save when a child record is created. I'm not talking about that. Ideally, nothing would happen to the form when the button is clicked. Is that possible?


4 Replies

  • //I tested this and it worked

    var text URL = URLRoot() & "db/" &  .... insert your add record URL here;

    "javascript:" &
    "$.get('" & 
    $url & 
    "',function(){" &
    "$.jGrowl('Record created in separate non-child table', {life: 5000, theme: 'jGrowl-green'});" &
    "});" &

    // the 5000 mean display the quiet pop up for 5 seconds.
    // and you get to control the pop up words.
  • PatrickDunn's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Thanks, Mark. I believe I've replicated the code, but I find that when I'm in edit mode, and I click on the magic button, the form still tries to save. For instance, if a form rule indicates that field 123 must not be blank and I click the magic button, I get a form message that the record is not saved because field 123 is blank. 

    Ideally, I want the code within the button to execute without triggering any kind of action (e.g. save) in the form itself. 

    Am I missing something? Thanks!
  • PatrickDunn's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Never mind. I think the trick was that within the magic button field settings I hadn't checked the box to open in a new window. Thanks!