Forum Discussion

GaryBoyd's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
6 years ago

Online Booking Calendar possible in quickbase?

Is there a way to set up calendars for different users, that others that can only see available times, can book in to? The calendar reports are very good, but I'm guessing this needs a special field type or relationship setup.

3 Replies

  • I suggest that you have just one table for calendar bookings.
    Included among the fields will be the userid of the person you are booking with.  That can come off a relationship to a table of users so you have control over who is bookable.

    There can be a report for My Calendar entries where the filter where the [Appointment with userid] is the current user.

    You can also have an <ask the user> report so that the person who wants ot book with "Fred" would answer the question with "Fred" form the drop down and then see only Fred's calendar and hence they could see where his time slots are free.
  • GaryBoyd's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Thanks - that's really helpful.
    I guess you could add new bookings as child records, and then run logic on the entries to check if it crosses another booking and stop the booking.
    Any way with a method such as this to provide the next 3 available time-slots (e.g. longer than an hour.)
    • JanetMahan's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Did you get this working?

      Janet Mahan