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Calculation/Performance Limits Inquiry
Hi all, I'll try to keep this as brief as possible. I'd like to know if anyone has a similar sized application in production and if they see any performance issues as it pertains to record loading and report loading. I have an Accounts table (table A) that will have 1,500 records total at any given time. This table has 3 children tables B, C, and D with 72,000; 168,000; and 168,000 total records at any given time, respectively. These children records will all have an Account# to tie it to their parent. On table A, I need to keep up to 4 years worth of data (Current Year, Prior Year, etc.). As a result, I will need about 1,500 to 1,750 currency summary fields per year (6,000 to 7,500 in total). This number then gets doubled because Quickbase does not have a built-in way to display numbers in Accounting format, so I need an additional 6,000 to 7,500 rich text formula fields. At no point in table A should I ever need a report with more than 12 columns of calculated summary fields for all 1,500 Account records. This is the max performance need. On the forms, I plan to "only" have 6,000 to 7,500 of the 12,000 to 15,000 total fields displayed. This will be broken across 4 different tabs (hoping that improves performance) for each year of data. Then each tab will be broken into 6 sections, which can be pre-minimized if it will help load times & performance (Actuals, Budget, Forecast, Actuals VS Budget, Actuals, VS Forecast, Budget VS Forecast). This table A is my biggest concern. If you care for additional context: In addition to this, table A will be a child to table E (Summary Report Rows). There will be 12/13 total Summary Reports (table F; parent to table E), made up of about 168 table E records. To restate, the 168 records will be parents via 3 relationships to the Accounts (table A). There is 1 relationship per key/vital column in the Accounts table. These will be running calculations based on the summary field calculations in table A. I'll leave it at this for the time being to see if anyone is able to take the time to respond. At the end of the day, I've never built something with this many calculations and I'm not entirely sure on the order of operations for Quickbase when it comes to forms. Regards, CurtisSolved0likes10CommentsAuditing field changes using Pipelines & Jinja
I'm using Pipelines to track changes on hundreds of fields in a table. The step that writes a summary of the changes to a rich text field uses Jinja that looks like this: {% set fields = [ ('Field Name 1', a.field_name_1, a.$prev.field_name_1), ('Field Name 2', a.field_name_2, a.$prev.field_name_2), ... ('Field Name 200', a.field_name_200, a.$prev.field_name_200) ] %} {% for i in fields %} {% if i[1] != i[2] %} {{'• <b><u>' ~ i[0] ~ '</u></b> changed from <b>' ~ (i[2] if i[2] is not none else '(null)') ~ '</b> to <b>' ~ (i[1] if i[1] is not none else '(null)') ~ '</b><br />'}} {% endif %} {% endfor %} It works, however I'm questioning whether this can be done more elegantly, with Jinja or otherwise. I couldn't find a way to loop over the changed fields only in a generic fashion so I constructed tuples for each field. This makes the step very lengthy and difficult to find what I need; additionally my browser becomes sluggish when working with the Pipeline. I appreciate any recommendations here.0likes0CommentsGauge Report Reverse Goal Feature?
We are using Gauge Reports on Dashboards to act as Actionable Items for a given workflow. For example I log on to Quickbase and my Dashboard loads with a bunch of Gauge reports. If the reports show 0, I know I am done. If the reports are greater than 0, I click the report to view the records where I need to perform some process to make the report 0. The Goal is 0. I can reverse the Low and High to apply the proper color coding. I cannot set the Goal to be 0. The Goal must always be greater than the Start At value. Has anyone come up with a solution for this without building a bunch of formulas? Am I missing something in the report settings?0likes1CommentRestful API Report digesting JSON
I really want to batch UPSERT to a unique field in Pipelines. I am using RestfulAPI to get a report ~ the data is filtered at the source. ChatGPT has shown me {{b.json.metadata.totalRecords > 0 }} is how I know my report has values. I want to iterate over the JSON, Restful API returns JSON ... I cannot select the Restful API as an input for the iterate step. Why must I add a FetchJSON step in front of the iterate step and essentially move the values from the Restful output to the fetch and then to the iterate?0likes0CommentsIpad browser issue - Something went wrong?
All of a sudden a few of our end users are having issues with random tables and forms opening on quickbase on ipad browser. They get the Error "Something went wrong, try reloading this page." Tried resetting/deleting Clear History and Website Data from safari tried on chrome and still have the same issue. Restarted and force closed the applications as well. Tested as that user and cant replicate it. Not sure if this has to do to an iOS update or what. Anyone else seeing this? Have at least 3 users with the same issue started this week.0likes1CommentTime Zone change
Good morning, I am building a Transportation application for my team to use. When we request a pickup time from our transportation vendor, it is always in central time since we are based in Texas. Can QB convert the central time to local time based on my selected city? For example, I have an employee who needs to be picked up at LAX at 10 a.m. Pacific time, but we can only enter 12 p.m. Central time. How can I build a formula in QB that will convert noon central to 10 AM when I select LAX as a city? The same goes for all the cities we service. How can I make sure Daylight savings are accounted for? I have attached a spreadsheet of the cities we service regarding their summer and winter times.0likes0CommentsMove attachment to SharePoint error
I'm trying to set up a pipeline to move a file attachment to a folder in a SharePoint when a record is created. On the SharePoint step, I'm getting this error. Does anyone know what is causing this? Remote API returned authentication error: (invalid_grant) AADSTS700003: Device object was not found in the tenant0likes1CommentCan't Upload New Version of an Existing File
I hope that I'm completely overlooking an obvious setting; it appears that the new version of Forms no longer allows users to upload new versions of an existing file. Historically, users could enter a record in "Edit" mode, click "Choose File", then upload a new or updated version of the existing attachment. However, on the new version of Forms, users in my organization only have the ability to: Lock the current version of the File, Show Revision history of the field, or Delete the current version of the attachment There is no longer an option to "Choose File" as far as I can tell. I am referencing this guidance from Quickbase Help. Below, please see an example of the file attachment field shown in Edit Mode, and the only available edit options. If anyone has advice on how to upload a new version of an existing attachment, I would appreciate your support!2likes2CommentsRunning Total
I want to get a running total of the number of rows in a report. I have a formula that is COUNT([field name]), which returns a value of 1. To get the running total value, do I have to first create a var text query on the field I am counting? var text QUERY //var text QUERY = "{fid#.}"; Is the Running Total formula: SumValues(GetRecords($QUERY),fid#)0likes1Comment