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Running Total
I want to get a running total of the number of rows in a report. I have a formula that is COUNT([field name]), which returns a value of 1. To get the running total value, do I have to first create a var text query on the field I am counting? var text QUERY //var text QUERY = "{fid#.}"; Is the Running Total formula: SumValues(GetRecords($QUERY),fid#)0likes0CommentsSelect a specific number of records within a report or table.
I have a report with thousands of records, I can use a filter to reduce the number of records; however, I want to select an exact number of records within a report. For example, the filter reduces the number of records 200, but I want to select the first 50 records. Is there a way to select a specific number of records within a report or a table?0likes3CommentsIssue with Dashboard Gauge: New Style vs Old Style
Hello Quickbase peeps! So I ran into some challenges with the KPI Gauge widget. The KPI Gauge shows the correct percentage when creating it in 'Reports & charts' but the problem arises when I add the widget to dashboards; it shows 0%. After some troubleshooting, I've discovered that while previewing the KPI, it works just fine until you turn off 'New style'. Please see attached pics. Not sure if this is a bug or if there's any workaround/fixes for this. *Calculation is using summary formulas Thanks!0likes10CommentsUnable to insert a row in Sharepoint List
Friends, I have a SharePoint list with book data. I have built a pipeline in quickbase that will insert a new row in the list whenever a new record is created in quickbase I have created the connection to my SharePoint list correctly. It identifies the site and the list. But the pipeline is unable to add a record in Sharepoint. I keep getting these errors consistently. What am I doing wrong? I am new to Sharepoint integration with Quickbase. Please help.0likes2CommentsNeed help with a query formula for ranking dates.
I have a table of Training cycle start dates. Each record is a Training Start Date (FID 6 - Date Field) for a Training Team (FID 25 - Text lookup field from related Table) with a Start Date Status (FID 7 - Text). I have created a Formula Numeric field titled Rank. I need to rank the upcoming Training Start Dates for the Traditional team only, and exclude any dates that are past or do not have a Status of "Available." The one coming up soonest on/after today ranked 1, next ranked 2, and so on. We've tried several formulas without success. var text QUERY = "{6.AF.'" & Today() &"';}AND{25.EX.'Traditional'}AND{7.EX.'Available'}"; If([Start Date Status]<>"Available", null, Size(GetRecords($QUERY))+1) Attempt 1 above failed. Returned rank 11 for all available start dates, past and present. var number position = Size(GetRecords("{6.AF.'"& Today() &"'}AND{25.EX.'Traditional'}AND{7.EX.'Available'}")), $position+1 Attempt 2 above failed. Returned rank 10 for all available start dates, past and present. var text baseQ = "{25.EX.'Traditional'}AND{7.EX.'Available'}"; var text QAfter = $baseQ; var number position = Size(GetRecords("{6.AF.[Training Start Date]}AND{25.EX.'Available'}")); $position+1 Attempt 3 above failed. Returned rank 1 for all dates.0likes1CommentIs there a way to "Pause" an app
We intercompany charges for Quickbase app usage and I have been asked if there is a way to suspend or pause an app while this intercompany charge is resolved. This app has like 225 users and about 50 roles. I really don't want to go user by user or even by role. I totally do not want to delete the app. Any ideas would be appreciated.0likes2CommentsCalculation/Performance Limits Inquiry
Hi all, I'll try to keep this as brief as possible. I'd like to know if anyone has a similar sized application in production and if they see any performance issues as it pertains to record loading and report loading. I have an Accounts table (table A) that will have 1,500 records total at any given time. This table has 3 children tables B, C, and D with 72,000; 168,000; and 168,000 total records at any given time, respectively. These children records will all have an Account# to tie it to their parent. On table A, I need to keep up to 4 years worth of data (Current Year, Prior Year, etc.). As a result, I will need about 1,500 to 1,750 currency summary fields per year (6,000 to 7,500 in total). This number then gets doubled because Quickbase does not have a built-in way to display numbers in Accounting format, so I need an additional 6,000 to 7,500 rich text formula fields. At no point in table A should I ever need a report with more than 12 columns of calculated summary fields for all 1,500 Account records. This is the max performance need. On the forms, I plan to "only" have 6,000 to 7,500 of the 12,000 to 15,000 total fields displayed. This will be broken across 4 different tabs (hoping that improves performance) for each year of data. Then each tab will be broken into 6 sections, which can be pre-minimized if it will help load times & performance (Actuals, Budget, Forecast, Actuals VS Budget, Actuals, VS Forecast, Budget VS Forecast). This table A is my biggest concern. If you care for additional context: In addition to this, table A will be a child to table E (Summary Report Rows). There will be 12/13 total Summary Reports (table F; parent to table E), made up of about 168 table E records. To restate, the 168 records will be parents via 3 relationships to the Accounts (table A). There is 1 relationship per key/vital column in the Accounts table. These will be running calculations based on the summary field calculations in table A. I'll leave it at this for the time being to see if anyone is able to take the time to respond. At the end of the day, I've never built something with this many calculations and I'm not entirely sure on the order of operations for Quickbase when it comes to forms. Regards, Curtis0likes2CommentsStacked Column Chart Output
Hello Everyone, I created a SCC where the X Axis shows Supervisor Name and the Y Axis shows a stack of 5 different Formula Fields we'll call CB1, CB2, etc. My Filters are set to Status = Approved AND Eval Date Is During the Current Month. The chart can shows up to 5 columns 1 per Sup. What I want to do is create the chart to show 2 columns for each Sup. where 1 is data from the Prev. Month and the other for Current Month. Any help would be greatly appreciated.0likes2CommentsQuickbase Email IP Address Range Migration
The sending IP address ranges for Quickbase notification emails will be rotating from the IPs currently in use, to a new set of IP address ranges. This is being done in order to enhance security and resiliency as well as to improve sending IP reputation management services. These changes should increase deliverability of notification emails from Quickbase. Quickbase keeps an up-to-date Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record for all email servers used to send email from our platform. If you use SPF, you can adhere to your organization's spam filtering policy without having to allowlist the IP addresses of approved senders. Important: SPF is our recommended and supported method for spam filtering. Since the IP address ranges of email servers can change without notice, customers should NOT allowlist IP addresses as a first step in allowing Quickbase emails to be received. See for more information on SPF. If your organization does allowlist email IP addresses, you should plan to implement SPF as soon as possible. Please see further details on IP allowlisting and Quickbase Email Deliverability Solutions for Spam Filtering in the article linked here. If you DO choose to allowlist IP addresses, here is the CURRENT range used by the Quickbase Platform: If you have any questions regarding the information above, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Quickbase Technical Support Team by opening a support case.0likes0CommentsHow Can we hide or disable Native Save&Close, save&New and Cancel Buttons in Mobile App
I team... I am really frustrated because I haven't found the way to hide the Native Save Buttons In Mobile App. Is there an easy way to do it? I normally use ifv=1 but it doesn't work in Mobile App. Please help because the Buttons are causing a lot of issues. Thank you! ------------------------------ David Rascon ------------------------------1like2Comments