Forum Discussion

CarolMcconnell's avatar
Qrew Captain
6 years ago

Getting User Role

I have 4 user fields in my application.  I retrieve the user name by using UserToName in a formula text field.  I have a user table that has the user id, name, email address and role.  I need to be able to pull the role of the user from the user table but not sure how to do this since I have 4 user fields and I will need the role for the user in each field.

I don't know API, so I don't think that is an option for me at time.


4 Replies

  • Assuming that the Key field of the User table is set to say the Userid, you will need to set up 4 relationships to get the 4 respective Roles.
  • Right now the record ID is the key field.  Should I change that to the email?
  • Yes, if you choose to change it to the email field then you can make a field on the child side like

    UserToEmail([my user field 3])

     and use that in the relationship.