Forum Discussion

AnnaGrammeAnnaG's avatar
Qrew Member
10 years ago

Pie Chart - Combine Values

Hello all,

I tried to search for what I'm trying to do but I didn't know how to word it exactly. I would like to create a pie chart but combine values. In other words, my data looks something like this:

  1. Piano: 10
  2. Banjo: 1
  3. Flute: 1
  4. Guitar: 3
  5. Sitar: 2

If I make a pie chart right now, it will show me:

  1. Piano: 59%
  2. Banjo: 6%
  3. Flute: 6%
  4. Guitar: 17%
  5. Sitar: 12%

As expected. However, I'd like to somehow combine the values, so the output looks more like this:

  1. Piano: 59%
  2. Other: 41%

I considered making a calculated column somehow but I didn't know what to put in it: If([Instrument]="Piano",........?)

Could someone please help me out?

7 Replies

  • This seems to solve the calculated column problem, but how can I use this as the series in my pie chart?
  • If you set that calculated column as your series you should get what you're looking for, because it will either say Piano or Other, so you'll get your two pie slices.
  • I think I'm still missing something. When I'm on the screen to create my chart, in the "Chart Details" section, I can't set the Series to the calculated column. I don't see something that says <Calculated Column> or the label I gave it. All I see are the current fields available. I see the <Calculated Column> in the Data values, but I need that to be the series. Maybe I'm trying to do this in the wrong table?
  • Oh, i could see how that could be the case. If you create a new field, Formula - Text, and use that formula, then you will have that field available for the report.
  • Hello,

    I have a pie chart with too many values in "customer" field, how can I combine values so that all customers that fall below 4% participation will be put together.

    can someone help with the formula?

    thank you