Forum Discussion

ChristineWhite's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
8 years ago

QuickBase Actions Instructions

Just wondering if there are detailed instructions for QuickBase Actions?  I was curious about deleting records.  I have successfully used the Added and Modified Actions and was wondering how records are deleted in the 2nd app when deleted in the "Parent".  Thanks!

9 Replies

  • I believe that their plan is to add more Actions in the future.  So right now there is no Action for delete.
  • ChristineWhite's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Thanks, would you know if there is a way to create a "Loop" using Quickbase Actions?
  • There is not a native way to create a loop.  I do know that Juiced will be demoing their Triggers add on product at EMPOWER 2017 and I believe it does looping and way more types of actions including cascading delete that you are asking about. (ie if the Parent is deleted, then delete the children)
  • Thank you Mark...yes we have some new options related to automation with triggers ready to be released at Empower, and it will be citizen developer friendly!  (its available now if anyone is interested but official launch will be at empower)
    • real time updates, no polling
    • fired by email notifications not webhooks
    • works when using gridedit and/or importing data - multi-record processing
    • includes delete actions
    • search actions - find a subset of records to update/delete
    • scheduling triggers/actions to run daily/weekly/monthly
    • repeating actions - looping as Christine asked about in this post - search for a subset of records and perform one or more actions for each record found in the search. 
    • conditional actions - perform only if certain conditions from prior actions are met
    • design in sandbox mode - so you can copy a trigger and make changes without effecting the live trigger - when ready just push a button to apply your changes to the live trigger
    • logging all trigger activities in a table in YOUR quickbase application
    • and more!
  • How do I access the new actions without waiting for the Empower?
  • QuickBase Actions are now available to all Admins,  but perhaps not for the Essential plan level.  They are under Settings, for a table.
  • When choosing to edit related records, the only options available to me are records in a child table.  Any way to update the record in a parent table if a specific condition is met when creating a record?
    • SuryaAvantsa1's avatar
      Qrew Member
      You can update records in any table as long as you have the "Report Link" field created in the source table, that links records in the source table to the appropriate record in the target table.

      Then on the QB Action, you would select to "Edit Records" and then choose the Report Link field and go from there.

      Hope that helps.
  • Not at present. You would have to create a Webhook to do that, which admittedly is more complicated to set up.