Forum Discussion

ArchiveUser's avatar
Qrew Captain
8 years ago

Right clicking is not showing anything related to QuickBase

So this may be a computer issue versus a QuickBase issue, but in Chrome on Windows 10, I can't right click and have perform any a function in QuickBase except for cut & paste.  Is this an artifact of the Windows environment, Chrome, a new update, lack of some extension, etc?

Thanks for any help to guide me.

4 Replies

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    Just double checking that you aren't in a test mode, or your app permissions to that particular table haven't changed...
  • I am testing a site provided to us via QuickBase, is that what you mean? I am not in a test as user look.  This goes back to inexperience with the product and making sure it will work for our company.  I did mess around after I posted the original question and found that I can right click when I fill out a project, but no other place.  It very well maybe that the right click function works on limited screens?  If so, then whoops, but you gotta learn somewhere right?
  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    If you'd like I can get on a share sceen with you to give you an advance preview of some of the capacity.  I'm not a QuickBase Sales Rep, but I work with the product as an "developer" and love it.  If you want, contact me via my profile

    and I can see if I can convert you ;)

    Otherwise, there are a lot of tutorials out there. 
    With any new tech there is a learning curve, but once you catch a glimpse you'll see the potential.
  • Thanks to Matthew for doing the screen share.  Now I see it is all about what screen you are in.
